Monday, December 16, 2019

Merry Christmas Mrs. Crazy Lady!

'Twas the night before Christmas somewhere at the beach
A pretty lady was writing affirmations to teach
Writing each word with precision and care
A book full of love notes she was ready to share
The grandkids were snuggled all warm in their beds
With Scarlett and CeeCee snoozing close by their heads

A pause of reflection, a look back on the years
She can hardly believe it… How did she get here?
How did she go from life as a single mother of three?
To a successful, awesome broker? Seriously. How could this be?
From being a teacher with a broken-down car
To be a community leader and a realtor rockstar
She smiles through each challenge and burden to bear
With only one exception: she ain’t doin no damn software
She’s calm through the storm and calm through the battle
Then frantically runs out the door to do the skedaddle

Of course, this crazy woman can be imperfect with flaws
She has no idea how to slow down or how to press pause
Where are her glasses? Where are her keys?
And why is the thermostat set on 50 degrees!?
But we love her anyway, this wonderful Crazy Lady
Her whole focus is love - especially her grandbabies
She is now raising her grands as her own
Thankful for her village, she is never alone
She has been through the valleys time and time again
Always declaring, “Thy will be done” and “Amen!”
She has been through life’s storms but continues to pray
She gets on her knees and says, “Hallelujah anyway!”

But here she sits on this quiet Christmas night
And just for a moment, she begins to feel fright
“Will anyone read this love letter book?”
Will anyone understand the courage it took?
She stopped herself there, not giving into fear.
This is her life, her dream, her ship to steer.
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes
Refusing to listen to doubt or the lies
She envisions her book flying off the shelves
Then readers spreading love and joy themselves

She pauses in gratitude for the people around her
For all the encouragement and love to surround her
We love this beautiful lady, crazy as a bed bug
The lady we have to bend down to hug
She gives us all joy and something to believe in
While all she is doing is trying to get even.

Monday, September 30, 2019

13 Things Your Public Adjuster Won’t Tell You… But His Wife Will!

My husband has been a public adjuster for over three years, and honestly, I hate that the job exists. I hate the NEED for a public adjuster even exists. Call me crazy, but I thought the whole point of having home insurance is so they can pay to fix your house when something bad happens.  But the truth is they don't always live up to their side of the bargain.  That's where a Public Adjuster comes in.  But my husband is good at his job, and he has been able to help countless people get their lives back on track because he stepped in and helped. 

Just for the record, my husband is very professional and honorable and does not discuss client business with me.  The most he will ever say is "I closed three today." or "I spent 3 hours on the phone with a carrier today just for him to hang up on me."  He does not give me details on anything.  I just pick up on a few things here and there.

Here are a few things that he will never tell you… But I will!

  1. Remember who the real enemy is. Your public adjuster is not the one holding the money you deserve hostage. He is the one that is trying to get you the money you need as quickly as possible. Your carrier is the one who is dragging this whole process along – not your public adjuster.
  2. He does not get paid unless you get paid. It is in your best interest and his best interest to get your claim closed as quickly as possible for as much money as possible. He does not see a dime until the insurance company finally pays you first.
  3. You hired him to do a job. Let him do it. The more time he spends on the phone with you giving you another update, the less time he will have to negotiate with your carrier. You might not see all the grueling hours he puts in every day working for YOU, but his tenacity and diligence are going to play into your favor.
  4. Need an Update? Check their website. They give you access to a portal for you to look for updates so you do not have to call and send an email every day asking for an update. It’s right there at your fingertips. 
  5. “No update” does not translate into “I have done nothing.” It means he is diligently working on your claim, but the carrier is trying to drag it out as long as possible and not returning his phone calls or emails.
  6. Understand the Jobs  - It is your carrier's job to pay you.  It is your PA's job to present your claim in the best possible way to get the carrier to pay you the money that is rightfully yours.   
  7. Nothing happens overnight. Be patient.  (I know that's easier said than done.)  Things could take up to a year or more, and this is NOT your PA’s fault. If your insurance carrier would’ve given you the money you deserve in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this position. Trust the process. He will do everything in his power to make it all worth it.
  8. The insurance companies are closed on weekends and holidays, which means NOTHING will happen on weekends and holidays. If you talk to your PA on Friday afternoon then call him again on Tuesday morning after Memorial Day, there will be no difference even if your PA spends the entire holiday in the office.
  9. Send an email instead of calling him. He prefers emails over phone calls simply because emails are faster. With that being said, don’t expect him to respond within five minutes because everyone else is emailing him too. I can vouch that he answers his emails while he is eating lunch, while he’s drinking his 5th cup of coffee, and even while he’s in the bathroom.
  10. Respect his office hours. If there is an actual need to talk to your PA, call during office hours. There is no point calling on nights and weekends when he is not in front of his computer looking at your claim. (Plus, if you call my husband at ungodly hours, you might have to deal with a crazy wife.)
  11. Remember he is human. He requires sleep just like everyone else. He has a family. He celebrates Easter and New Years and Thanksgiving. Do not call him on a holiday. (I’m talking to YOU who called during Dirty Santa on Christmas Eve and fireworks on the 4th of July.)  Also, telling him he is isn't working fast enough, hard enough, or even at all - it hurts, and it's frustrating because he is taking every step and checking every box and doing all he can to get you the money the carrier is withholding.  
  12. Some Things Don't Make Sense to His Wife Either - It doesn't matter if you've always, always, always paid your bill on time and have never filed a claim before.  It doesn't matter if Michael was officially categorized as a Cat 5 Hurricane.  Unfortunately, these two facts play zero rolls in trying to get you the funds you deserve. I don't understand it either, but it's the truth.
  13. Always remember that he is on your team. He is rooting for you to win!! He wants to get you the money you DESERVE as quickly as possible so that you can put this whole thing behind you and go about your life.  He wants the best possible outcome for you!! That is why he does this job.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Don't Worry... Make Others Happy & Be Happy

“One of the best ways to make yourself happy is to make other people happy. One of the best ways to make other people happy is to be happy yourself.” - Gretchen Rubin

I have found this quote to be true over and over and over again in my life.  I love making people happy, and it makes me happy doing it.  It's funny to me how the little things, the small gestures, the encouraging word sometimes more to people than we realize.

After we moved, we had to wait about 3 weeks for our trash service to deliver a new trash can.  I have never had a complaint with them, and I knew they were short staffed just like everyone else because of the hurricane so I didn't want to switch.

So the first pickup day after waiting three weeks was interesting.  We tried to consolidate it the best we could, but there were piles and piles of boxes and trash, and all I could think was, "They're going to hate us.  They will never pick up our trash again."

I can't handle the thought of someone hating me so I grabbed a cute little cooler bag, filled it with bottled water and snacks, and left a note on the outside that basically said, "This will not be a regular thing.  Going three weeks without a trash can was not your fault, but it was not our fault either.  Please don't hate us.  Here are some goodies to make up for it.  I hope you have a wonderful day!"  And I stuck all of this on top of the trash can. 

Confession time:  I waited for them to come that morning and watched from the window.  I know.  It's so weird.  But I needed to know if they were mad at me or not.

So they pulled up on the truck, and you could feel their anger radiating from them through the windows.  Did I mention it was a huge pile of boxes and trash?  But then one of the guys spotted the cooler.  He picked it up, read the note, showed it to his buddy, then they both laughed.  They laughed the entire time they loaded up the rest of the stuff.  With a huge sigh of relief, I turned to walk away from the window but then something caught my eye. 

The two guys waved at the house and said thank you.  I was embarrassed that they spotted me peeking through the blinds, but I was so thankful that I was able to do just a little something to make someone else just a little bit happier.

Courage, Dear Heart

“But no one except Lucy knew that as it circled the mast it had whispered to her, 'Courage, dear heart,' and the voice, she felt sure, was Aslan's, and with the voice a delicious smell breathed in her face.” ― C.S. Lewis, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader 

"GOD, HELP ME!!!" I was screaming at the top of my lungs sitting in a kayak on the water where it seemed to be a hundred miles from the beach. I was out-of-my-mind scared so I kept screaming the words to the Plumb song, "I'm feeling so alone here, and I know that You're faithful, but I can barely breathe. God help me!"

So how did I get here? I'm so glad you asked.

I was on the beach with some friends enjoying a relaxing day. Someone had brought a paddleboard, and someone else had brought a kayak. I have never been on a paddleboard so let's go for it! Then as soon as we got in the water, I saw something pop up from beneath the surface. I honestly have no idea if it was a turtle, a sting ray, or just a fish, but swearing I heard the Jaws theme, all I knew was I wanted to get out of there and get back on the beach.

A while later, I decided to take the kayak out. I used to kayak by myself out on the beach all the time, but it's been a while so I was nervous. The red flag flapping in the wind wasn't exactly encouraging either. While I was paddling out, I saw on the next wave a whole bunch of sting rays. Something snapped in me, and I panicked. I turned the kayak around, and while I was paddling in, I flipped and lost my sunglasses Ben bought me for my birthday. I felt like a complete idiot all around.

When I got back, one of the guys tried to get me to go back out again and not be scared. I thought I could handle better it if I had someone with me so he grabbed another kayak to go out. I hopped on the kayak, paddled out passed the waves, and he was nowhere to be found. I turned around to watch him struggling to get on the kayak with all the waves.

So I waited patiently for him to come out there, right? Nope.

Full. Blown. Panic attack.

I was screaming for him to come out, and he kept yelling back that he was trying. I lost it. I was crying and wanting to give up and go back, but I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe.  I was frozen.  I was scared.  And I was angry.  

I was so mad at myself for being so scared. I was trying to remember that statistics show a higher chance of getting struck by lightning than getting attacked by a shark, but when you're scared, things like stats don't make sense. When trying to explain to a friend what a panic attack feels like, I told her that it's like the logic part of my brain completely shuts down. It doesn't matter how safe I actually I am, I don't feel safe so panic takes over.

I started praying as loud as I could, "God help me!" Screaming the words to the Plumb song over and over.  In that moment, I was asking for Him to protect me from anything that might be swimming around me. But then it grew to asking for Him to protect me from own fear and imagination. And asking Him to wipe my memory of all those stupid shark movies I've ever watched.

Here is the cool part! I don't have a lot of experience with panic attacks or anxiety, but every time I have had one, I have been lucky enough to not be alone. Most of the time, Ben has been with me, and he knows exactly how to help me and calm me down. Out here on the water, I was completely alone and had to solely rely on God.

My prayers are never more sincere, authentic, or loud as they are when I'm scared like I was that moment on the water. I had to fully and completely trust that God was going to keep me safe. I had no one else to protect me, no one else to calm me down, no one else to tell me it would be okay. It was just me and God.

Just as Lucy heard the albatross whisper, "Courage, dear heart," I felt a calmness and peace that could only come from a loving Heavenly Father and not from within myself.  

When things get bad or stressful, I tend to rely on the people around me a little too much instead of relying on Jesus for peace.  I just need to be still, know He is God, and remember "Courage, dear hear." 

Friday, May 10, 2019

The Church with No A/C

In Panama City
In what now looks like a war zone
Is Palo Alto church of Christ
Where we found a church home

The building was like any other
Carpet, pews, and walls
Until Hurricane Michael
Completely changed it all

We used to drive up
And park under shady trees
Then we’d walk inside
To a church with an A/C

On Sundays and Wednesdays
We’d worship and pray
We’d listen to the message
And thank God for the day

We used to chat afterwards
Whatever the topic may be
Never dreaming one day
There would be no A/C

When Michael plowed through
The building had damage and water
But we were all safe
Praise to our Heavenly Father

“Great is Thy Faithfulness”
“It is Well” we would sing
While having no idea
What the future might bring

We handed out supplies
Whatever the need would be
Too busy to complain
About no working A/C

We’re adjusting to the “new normal”
A tarped roof and no floors
But on Sundays and Wednesdays
There are opened church doors

We ponder each message
We worship and pray
We don’t know about tomorrow
But we’re thankful for today

We sing a little louder
We pray with more zeal
And we especially thank God
For our minister Tim Neal

The storm changed it all
But it made our hearts stronger
When the church says “Amen”
We hang around a bit longer

“Did you get your insurance check?”
“Did your roof get repaired?”
Are the questions that are asked
While we fan the hot air

But inside that building
Contagious hope and love
And a peace passing understanding
That can only come from above

The church is not a building
To God all praise be
For using His people
In the church with no A/C

Thursday, April 25, 2019

How to Get Passed the Front Desk Girl

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

As an executive assistant, I have worked as "the front desk girl" and "gatekeeper" among other titles for over five years, and there are a few tips I would love to share with anyone who is trying to get passed my fellow gatekeepers.  I understand you have a job to do, and I want to help you succeed. Trust me.  You want to hear what I have to say.

This is meant to helpful not hurtful.

1: Please understand everyone is busy just like you so don’t come in with a long sales pitch.  Also, try to remember that I am not the decision maker.  Whether or not we use your services is not up to me, but I can get you in front of whoever does make that decision.  It is best to come in and give me a flyer and business card and only stay for a few minutes then schedule a time that we can hear more. It’s not that I'm not interested. I just have a long to-do list like everyone else.  (Have you ever met my boss??)

2: Treats and sweets go a long way. Just saying.  If you really want to stand out though, try to pick something on the healthy side such as a fruit tray or those yummy protein balls from Freshii.

3: Please do not come between 9:00-9:30; 12:00-1:00; or 4:30-5:00. The beginning of the day, I’m just trying to get started and a little overwhelmed with emails and tasks. If you come in at noon and interrupt my lunch, I am tempted to not use you just out of spite (that's the hangry side talking). 4:30-5:00 I’m wrapping stuff up, and my brain is pretty much fried.  I know your schedule is crazy too, but these are real suggestions.

4: Be persistent but not annoying. As a front desk girl who sees A LOT of people every day, it always helps to send a reminder e-mail or two. But that doesn’t mean I want you to pop in every day either. Look for the happy medium.

5: Do NOT under any circumstances talk negatively of another company – especially your competition. That is the fastest way to get your marketing material thrown in the trash.  You think I'm kidding?  I'm not.  If you want to say something along the lines of, "We are the best at what we do" - that's fine.  But if you start trash-talking your competition, I can guarantee you that I will never mention you or your company to any of my higher-ups. 

6: It really helps to see you outside of the office. If I see you at a charity function or a chamber event, I’m more likely to remember you. It’s easier to talk to people when I’m not behind a computer and up to my eye balls in tasks.

7: Be sweet – not fake. It’s not hard to tell the difference between someone who is genuinely kind and someone who is just trying to sell a product. If you really love and believe in your product, it shows. And trust me, I'm more likely to listen.  

8: Show respect to me, my job, my boss, and my company.  Respect my time.  Be polite.  Be honest.  Be kind.  

9: If you are going to call me or my boss, ALWAYS ask, "Do you have a minute for me, or should I schedule a time to talk to you later?"  This simple sign of respect wins 1,000 brownie points with me.  

10: Want to know the best way to get your foot in the door at our company?  Sponsor a charity event that we are involved with.  We (meaning more people than just "the front desk girl") see your heart.  We get to know you as a human being.  We see your willingness to work and serve.  We have a soft spot for people like that.  

I hope these tips help you, and I hope they make your day just a little bit happier!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Thank God for... Fleas?

"' Give thanks in all circumstances,'" she quoted.  "It doesn't say, 'in pleasant circumstances.'  Fleas are part of this place where God has put us." - Betsie Ten Boom

I just finished reading The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom, and wow! What a remarkable story of home and courage in one of the absolute worst times in human history.  Corrie and her family were Christians harboring Jews in their home in Holland during Nazi occupation.  It's an incredible story of God's faithfulness proven over and over through a vitamin bottle that never emptied, a Bible miraculously smuggled, and what some would call a lot of "lucky coincidences," but I honestly don't think luck or coincidence has anything to do with it.  

Now back to the fleas.  After being arrested, imprisoned, and transported like animals, Corrie, along with her older sister, Betsie, find themselves in the barracks of Ravensbruck, a women's extermination camp in Germany.  Within the first few minutes, Corrie cries out covered in fleas.  There are fleas everywhere in the room.  Corrie asks her sister how they can possibly live like this.  

After a prayer, Betsie reminds Corrie we are to "rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all circumstances."  (1 Thessalonians 5)

One by one, Betsie and Corrie make a list of all the things they are grateful for, and they say prayers of thanks to God.  They are together.  They have a Bible.  They have an opportunity to witness to countless women.  Then Betsie thanked God for - of all things - the FLEAS!!  Obviously, Betsie was a better woman than me.  I agree with Corrie when she says, "Not even God can make me grateful for a flea."

The two sisters start a Bible study in the barracks.  Corrie calls them "little previews of heaven."  There are so many women from various countries that language barriers are a problem, but Corrie and Betsie translate their Dutch Bible into German, and they can hear it being passed back in French, Polish, Russian, and other languages.  Oh, how beautiful that must have been.  But as they get bolder and bolder with the Bible study, they cannot figure out why they have not been caught.  They are under strict supervision everywhere with the exception of the barracks.  Why?  

The next chapter reveals the answer.  FLEAS!  The guards never step foot in the building because of the fleas!!  But even before they know this, Betsie and a very reluctant Corrie had given thanks for that mean little booger, the flea.  

What are the "fleas" in my life that I can be thankful for?

Broccoli.  I hate broccoli.  But I put some in my chicken Alfredo, it is almost bearable... with extra sauce.  What I'm super thankful for is asparagus and zucchini - the two veggies I really love.  Dirty dishes.  I haven't had a dishwasher in over 5 years, and washing dishes by hand gets really annoying.  But dirty dishes mean I have plenty of food and a sweet husband that loves to cook - that is what I am most thankful for.  Laundry.  It never ends!!  But I have plenty of clothes, and for that, I am thankful.  That person in my life that I am not overly fond of.  I have to believe they are in my life - whether I want them there or not - for a purpose.  And if God is using me for a purpose and plan even that I don't see or understand, I am grateful.  Rent.  After the storm, our rent was raised along with most everyone else's.  But I have a home when a lot of people do not have one right now.

Let me get extra real.  Failure.  I am thankful for failure - okay not always, but when I can calm down and think long enough - I am thankful for failure because it means I'm trying.  I'm thankful for when I am tired.  That means I'm trying.  

Would you like to know the weirdest thing I am thankful for?  Sand in my shower.  I know.  Weird.  But when you have always, always, always wanted to live at the beach.  I am thankful for being able to live here and for every minute I am able to spend on the beach so yes, I am thankful for the sand in my shower because it means I got to spend time at my happy place.  

And the list goes on.  

What are the "fleas" in your life right now?  Make a list and thank God for each of those things.  Then leave a comment.  I'm curious to see other's answers.