Day 5: June 10
For breakfast, we had ham and cornbread! How random is that? It wasn’t bad at all, but seriously random. Lunch was the best rice that we’ve had, a pork chop, some avocado green something, and a peach for dessert. Supper was a soup, bread, hamburger steak, veggies, and potatoes. I do not understand how these people can eat so much starch! Then they gave us bubble gum flavored ice cream with chocolate syrup and a peach. We went to the pharmacy next door to get legit ice cream instead! LOL!
Mrs. Holly and Uncle Jesse put on a skit called the “Annoying Little Sin” about how easy it is to struggle with sin, and we can’t get rid of it if we try to do it by ourselves. We have to have Jesus to get rid of it. We made bracelets with various colored beads: black for sin, red for Jesus’ blood, white for purity, blue for the baptism water, green for growing in Christ, and yellow for the streets of gold in Heaven.
We played tug a war and did a sack race with them. We played musical chairs, and I got third place! We played charades which was really funny!
Tammi and I went to the mall to get ink cartridges for the photo printer. We rode with the preacher, and Jerry went with us because he could speak Spanish. When we got in the car, I realized there were no seatbelts in the back seat. The traffic in
Thursday would be our last day of VBS : ( and Thursday night, we would get to eat out! Friday we would get to go to the rainforest and do zip lines through it! They say it’s totally safe, and there isn’t anything that will eat me, but I really want to see some monkeys or something! I really hope we get to go see the
Jerry led us in devotion. He asked the team 4 questions: 1. What fears did you have before you came? 2. What are you enjoying the least? What has made it difficult? 3. What are you enjoying the most? What has made it positive? 4. Is there anything you can do to make the ministry easier for the rest of this ministry better for others and yourself?
Romans 15:5 “May the God who gives you encouragement and endurance give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ.” This verse really applies to our team because we were instantly united, and God is working wonders in us, around us, through us, and for us. I so totally just made that up on my own! I deserve a cookie for that! Our God is an awesome God!