Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Big Bang Theory Inspired Roommate Agreement

Roommate Agreement Form

Objective:  The purpose of this roommate agreement is to provide a starting point to negotiate a variety of issues.  The terms and conditions of this agreement are subject to change.  Anything you say and sign may or may not appear against you in the court of law.  The purpose of this agreement is to avoid unnecessary murders and/or jail time.






Article 1: Rights of the Tenants

Section A:        All tenants have the right to speak honestly as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution.  Please keep in mind, words and actions have consequences. All tenants have the right to religious freedom as also guaranteed by the First Amendment.  Please keep in mind, lack of using religious freedom may end in a place with no air conditioner.

Section B:        All tenants have the right to nullify roommate agreement, having no responsibilities or obligations toward each other, other than paying rent and sharing utilities.

Section C:        All tenants have the right to call for an emergency roommate meeting.

Section D:        All tenants have the right to hold an assembly (or have guests over) as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution.  All tenants are therefore responsible for the guests.  This includes but is not limited to: cleaning up behind all the guests, inviting them over at a decent hour (especially on school nights), and being overall considerate of the other roommates.

Section E:        All tenants have the right to be whatever they want to be when they grow up. Peter Pan Clause:   All tenants have the right to Peter Pan Syndrome and never grow up.

Section F:         All tenants have the right for their room to never be searched without a search warrant as guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution.

Section G:        All tenants have the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment.  All tenants have the right to life and to not be shot or killed by arms owned by the other tenants as guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence and the Fifth Commandment.

Section H:        All tenants have the right to disagree with the roommate agreement. In the event that a tenant does not agree with the agreement, then an agreement must be agreed upon by the other agreeing tenants, or they will have to agree to disagree.

Section I:         All tenants have the right to move out if they do not agree with the other tenants.  However, it is the tenant’s responsibility to continue to pay rent or find someone to take their place. 

Section J:  All tenants have the right to a quiet study area.  This includes politely asking the other roommates to keep noise to a minimum. 

Section K:  All tenants have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  In other words, you have the right to freely pursue happiness in your own life.  All tenants have the right to a happy life.

Article 2: Assisting the Other Tenants/Consideration Article

Section A:        All tenants have the right to ask for assistance from the other tenants if needed.  All tenants have the right to refuse to assist for whatever reason.  Please keep in mind, Karma is not a nice person.

Section B:        All tenants will help destroy an artificial intelligence that lands in, on, or near the house.

Section C:        All tenants will protect each other in the event that Godzilla attacks the home.

Section D:        In the event of a nuclear attack, zombie apocalypse, etc., all tenants will share food equally.

Section E:        All tenants will give the other roommates a 12 hour notice of impending coitus.

Section F:         If one roommate obtains super powers, the others will be named sidekicks.

Section G:        If one or more roommates is bitten by a zombie, they will not be killed by the other roommates unless specifically requested by the bitten roommate.

Section H:        If a roommate is going to Walmart or to get fast food or take out, they will ask if the other roommates would like anything.

Section I:         All roommates will assist each other if one or more ever become a robot.

Section J:         Should a roommate be invited to a swimming party at a celebrity's house, they must invite the other roommates.

Section K:        The thermostat, lights, television, and kitchen appliances will be kept at an energy-efficient minimum in order to save money.

Section L:         In the event of a sick roommate, the other roommates must nurse and aid them to the best of their ability without risking their own health. 

Section M:       Roommates will help a stranded roommate in the event of a broken down car. However, the stranded roommate cannot take advantage of the situation and ask the others to become personal taxi drivers.

Section N:        The roommate to take the first shower of the day will take any necessary measures to ensure an adequate supply of hot water.

Section O:        No hootenannies, sing-alongs, raucous laughter, clinking of glasses, celebratory gunfire, or barbershop quartets after 11 PM on weeknights. 

Section P:        Roommates may assist each other in cleaning the house in the event of company coming to visit. There must be an appropriate, timely warning in order for this to apply.  This includes but is not limited to vacuuming, cleaning the bathrooms, washing the slip covers, etc.  Roommates may assist each other in cleaning the house in all other occasions out of pure politeness. 

Article 3: Responsibilities of the Tenants

Section A:        All tenants are responsible for paying rent on time.

Section B:        In the event a mess is made, the tenant responsible for the mess is responsible for cleaning it in a timely manner.  It is the tenant's responsibility to take out the garbage if it is full.

Section C:        All tenants are responsible for treating the other roommates with respect.  Please keep in mind, respect is earned. 

Section D:        All tenants are responsible for their own pets.

Section E:        All tenants are responsible for their own possessions in the moving in/moving out processes.

Section F:         In the event of a tenant damaging another roommate's property, it is the responsibility of the tenant to repair or compensate for the damages in a timely manner.

Section G:        It is the responsibility of the roommates to return, replace, or compensate any borrowed items in a timely fashion in the same condition. 

Section H:        It is the responsibility of the tenant to keep the house safe, secure, and energy-efficient. This includes but is not limited to keeping the doors locked at all times, unplugging all hair accessories when not being used, powering down all kitchen appliances when not being used, turning off lights, keeping the thermostat at a bearable temperature, blowing out candles when leaving the house, etc.

Section I:         In the event of an exceptionally bad day, it is the tenant's responsibility to cheer up the roommate.

Section J:         It is the male tenant's responsibility to handle man-ly things.  This includes but is not limited to: killing all bugs, carrying heavy things, and the use of any hardware tools, with the exception of a hammer and nails.

Article 4: Settling Disagreements

Section A:        Tenants must realize all roommates have disagreements.  What separates good from bad roommates is how to handle disagreements.

Section B:        If a roommate says or does something that a tenant disagrees with, and if it really affects or bothers the tenant, the tenant has the right to politely discuss it with the roommate.

Section C:        After a polite discussion has taken place, the roommates have the right to agree or to agree to disagree.  Whatever the case, the issue will no longer be discussed by anyone, and both parties will move on from the issue.

Section D:        In the event a disagreement continues, all tenants have the right to call an emergency house meeting in order to resolve the issue. (Article 1 Section C)

Section E:        All tenants will keep in mind Article 1 Section K: the right to a happy life.  All tenants will keep the Golden Rule in mind as well.

Section F:         Tenants should inform roommates of particular pet peeves or bothersome behavior to avoid situations.

Section H:        Roommates are friends-not food. (Do not chew them out, please).

My signature below means that I have read this roommate agreement and agree to ALL of its terms and conditions.  I promise to follow these to the best of my ability.  Cross my heart and pinky promise. 

Tenants Signatures:


