Wednesday, March 1, 2017

But I'm Right!

I hate being wrong.  The other day, I was running by the beach when something happened that I had to share. 

I love running, always have.  It is my time to think, to pray, to get away from the craziness of the world.  I always listen to music, and I often find myself dancing while I’m running.  This particular time, I am enjoying the run, jamming out to my music, and tuning out the rest of the world when a bike sneaks up behind me narrowly missing me. 

Are you kidding me?  Yes, I am running in the bike lane, but he is in the wrong lane going the wrong direction.  Why don’t people pay attention?  Why don’t people follow the rules?  There is clearly a symbol on the road that says he is going the wrong direction so why doesn’t he see it?  The symbol is right there saying that… oops… I am the one going the wrong direction. 

I wanted to find the guy on the bike and apologize for being wrong.  Even though I didn’t say anything out loud, I still felt guilty for being so angry at someone when I was the one who was in the wrong.

This whole situation got me thinking… What else am I wrong about?  There are so many situations when I am convinced that I am right only to find out later that I’m not.

Lessons of the Day:  You are not always right.  Be slow to anger.  Take a step back.  Try to get some perspective.  Read the directional signs (the Bible is what I was thinking.)  When you are wrong, accept it.  Take responsibility.  And apologize when necessary and able.  Don’t let this defeat you.  Learn from your mistakes.  And keep going!