Monday, September 30, 2019

13 Things Your Public Adjuster Won’t Tell You… But His Wife Will!

My husband has been a public adjuster for over three years, and honestly, I hate that the job exists. I hate the NEED for a public adjuster even exists. Call me crazy, but I thought the whole point of having home insurance is so they can pay to fix your house when something bad happens.  But the truth is they don't always live up to their side of the bargain.  That's where a Public Adjuster comes in.  But my husband is good at his job, and he has been able to help countless people get their lives back on track because he stepped in and helped. 

Just for the record, my husband is very professional and honorable and does not discuss client business with me.  The most he will ever say is "I closed three today." or "I spent 3 hours on the phone with a carrier today just for him to hang up on me."  He does not give me details on anything.  I just pick up on a few things here and there.

Here are a few things that he will never tell you… But I will!

  1. Remember who the real enemy is. Your public adjuster is not the one holding the money you deserve hostage. He is the one that is trying to get you the money you need as quickly as possible. Your carrier is the one who is dragging this whole process along – not your public adjuster.
  2. He does not get paid unless you get paid. It is in your best interest and his best interest to get your claim closed as quickly as possible for as much money as possible. He does not see a dime until the insurance company finally pays you first.
  3. You hired him to do a job. Let him do it. The more time he spends on the phone with you giving you another update, the less time he will have to negotiate with your carrier. You might not see all the grueling hours he puts in every day working for YOU, but his tenacity and diligence are going to play into your favor.
  4. Need an Update? Check their website. They give you access to a portal for you to look for updates so you do not have to call and send an email every day asking for an update. It’s right there at your fingertips. 
  5. “No update” does not translate into “I have done nothing.” It means he is diligently working on your claim, but the carrier is trying to drag it out as long as possible and not returning his phone calls or emails.
  6. Understand the Jobs  - It is your carrier's job to pay you.  It is your PA's job to present your claim in the best possible way to get the carrier to pay you the money that is rightfully yours.   
  7. Nothing happens overnight. Be patient.  (I know that's easier said than done.)  Things could take up to a year or more, and this is NOT your PA’s fault. If your insurance carrier would’ve given you the money you deserve in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this position. Trust the process. He will do everything in his power to make it all worth it.
  8. The insurance companies are closed on weekends and holidays, which means NOTHING will happen on weekends and holidays. If you talk to your PA on Friday afternoon then call him again on Tuesday morning after Memorial Day, there will be no difference even if your PA spends the entire holiday in the office.
  9. Send an email instead of calling him. He prefers emails over phone calls simply because emails are faster. With that being said, don’t expect him to respond within five minutes because everyone else is emailing him too. I can vouch that he answers his emails while he is eating lunch, while he’s drinking his 5th cup of coffee, and even while he’s in the bathroom.
  10. Respect his office hours. If there is an actual need to talk to your PA, call during office hours. There is no point calling on nights and weekends when he is not in front of his computer looking at your claim. (Plus, if you call my husband at ungodly hours, you might have to deal with a crazy wife.)
  11. Remember he is human. He requires sleep just like everyone else. He has a family. He celebrates Easter and New Years and Thanksgiving. Do not call him on a holiday. (I’m talking to YOU who called during Dirty Santa on Christmas Eve and fireworks on the 4th of July.)  Also, telling him he is isn't working fast enough, hard enough, or even at all - it hurts, and it's frustrating because he is taking every step and checking every box and doing all he can to get you the money the carrier is withholding.  
  12. Some Things Don't Make Sense to His Wife Either - It doesn't matter if you've always, always, always paid your bill on time and have never filed a claim before.  It doesn't matter if Michael was officially categorized as a Cat 5 Hurricane.  Unfortunately, these two facts play zero rolls in trying to get you the funds you deserve. I don't understand it either, but it's the truth.
  13. Always remember that he is on your team. He is rooting for you to win!! He wants to get you the money you DESERVE as quickly as possible so that you can put this whole thing behind you and go about your life.  He wants the best possible outcome for you!! That is why he does this job.