Monday, December 16, 2019

Merry Christmas Mrs. Crazy Lady!

'Twas the night before Christmas somewhere at the beach
A pretty lady was writing affirmations to teach
Writing each word with precision and care
A book full of love notes she was ready to share
The grandkids were snuggled all warm in their beds
With Scarlett and CeeCee snoozing close by their heads

A pause of reflection, a look back on the years
She can hardly believe it… How did she get here?
How did she go from life as a single mother of three?
To a successful, awesome broker? Seriously. How could this be?
From being a teacher with a broken-down car
To be a community leader and a realtor rockstar
She smiles through each challenge and burden to bear
With only one exception: she ain’t doin no damn software
She’s calm through the storm and calm through the battle
Then frantically runs out the door to do the skedaddle

Of course, this crazy woman can be imperfect with flaws
She has no idea how to slow down or how to press pause
Where are her glasses? Where are her keys?
And why is the thermostat set on 50 degrees!?
But we love her anyway, this wonderful Crazy Lady
Her whole focus is love - especially her grandbabies
She is now raising her grands as her own
Thankful for her village, she is never alone
She has been through the valleys time and time again
Always declaring, “Thy will be done” and “Amen!”
She has been through life’s storms but continues to pray
She gets on her knees and says, “Hallelujah anyway!”

But here she sits on this quiet Christmas night
And just for a moment, she begins to feel fright
“Will anyone read this love letter book?”
Will anyone understand the courage it took?
She stopped herself there, not giving into fear.
This is her life, her dream, her ship to steer.
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes
Refusing to listen to doubt or the lies
She envisions her book flying off the shelves
Then readers spreading love and joy themselves

She pauses in gratitude for the people around her
For all the encouragement and love to surround her
We love this beautiful lady, crazy as a bed bug
The lady we have to bend down to hug
She gives us all joy and something to believe in
While all she is doing is trying to get even.