Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Beauty Spell

The Beauty Spell
I don’t exactly keep my love for the Chronicles of Narnia a secret.  The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is my favorite book in the world, and even though I’ve read it at least 15 times since I was in the third grade, I still learn more every time.  I started reading A Year with Aslan: Daily Reflections from the Chronicles of Narnia by Julia L. Roller, and I continue to not only learn more and more about Narnia, but also about Jesus.  That’s the whole point behind Narnia.  Aslan, who represents Jesus, says in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, "But there I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name. This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there.” 

Today, the daily reading was also from the Dawn Treader.  Lucy faces a temptation, contemplates the consequences, but decides to fall into it against her better judgment.  You can’t judge a book by its movie, but between the movie clip and the amazing song, I think you can get a good idea of what Lucy’s temptation is from this video:

The questions at the end of my devotion include:  “What do the pictures (in the spell book) reveal about Lucy’s weaknesses?  Even as she is tempted, Lucy has a strong feeling that she shouldn’t say the spell.  Where do you think that feeling comes from?  What quality would tempt you as beauty tempts Lucy?” (Roller). 

I’ve always been quick to judge Edmund for falling into temptation in the LWW, but I was quick to forgive Lucy even though she too gave into her temptation because the desire to be beautiful isn’t that bad as the need for power, glory, and respect.  But isn’t that what we do with sin in general?  We convince ourselves that it’s not that bad.  It’s not hurting anybody.  It’s not like I’m killing anyone or even robbing them.  But 1 John 5:17 says, “All wrongdoing is sin…”  Both Edmund and Lucy face temptations that they crave so badly they don’t see the turmoil, chaos, and ultimately death that these temptations can lead to.  So to echo Roller, “What quality would tempt you as beauty tempts Lucy?” and how far are you willing to go to get it?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Big Bang Theory Inspired Roommate Agreement

Roommate Agreement Form

Objective:  The purpose of this roommate agreement is to provide a starting point to negotiate a variety of issues.  The terms and conditions of this agreement are subject to change.  Anything you say and sign may or may not appear against you in the court of law.  The purpose of this agreement is to avoid unnecessary murders and/or jail time.






Article 1: Rights of the Tenants

Section A:        All tenants have the right to speak honestly as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution.  Please keep in mind, words and actions have consequences. All tenants have the right to religious freedom as also guaranteed by the First Amendment.  Please keep in mind, lack of using religious freedom may end in a place with no air conditioner.

Section B:        All tenants have the right to nullify roommate agreement, having no responsibilities or obligations toward each other, other than paying rent and sharing utilities.

Section C:        All tenants have the right to call for an emergency roommate meeting.

Section D:        All tenants have the right to hold an assembly (or have guests over) as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution.  All tenants are therefore responsible for the guests.  This includes but is not limited to: cleaning up behind all the guests, inviting them over at a decent hour (especially on school nights), and being overall considerate of the other roommates.

Section E:        All tenants have the right to be whatever they want to be when they grow up. Peter Pan Clause:   All tenants have the right to Peter Pan Syndrome and never grow up.

Section F:         All tenants have the right for their room to never be searched without a search warrant as guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution.

Section G:        All tenants have the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment.  All tenants have the right to life and to not be shot or killed by arms owned by the other tenants as guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence and the Fifth Commandment.

Section H:        All tenants have the right to disagree with the roommate agreement. In the event that a tenant does not agree with the agreement, then an agreement must be agreed upon by the other agreeing tenants, or they will have to agree to disagree.

Section I:         All tenants have the right to move out if they do not agree with the other tenants.  However, it is the tenant’s responsibility to continue to pay rent or find someone to take their place. 

Section J:  All tenants have the right to a quiet study area.  This includes politely asking the other roommates to keep noise to a minimum. 

Section K:  All tenants have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  In other words, you have the right to freely pursue happiness in your own life.  All tenants have the right to a happy life.

Article 2: Assisting the Other Tenants/Consideration Article

Section A:        All tenants have the right to ask for assistance from the other tenants if needed.  All tenants have the right to refuse to assist for whatever reason.  Please keep in mind, Karma is not a nice person.

Section B:        All tenants will help destroy an artificial intelligence that lands in, on, or near the house.

Section C:        All tenants will protect each other in the event that Godzilla attacks the home.

Section D:        In the event of a nuclear attack, zombie apocalypse, etc., all tenants will share food equally.

Section E:        All tenants will give the other roommates a 12 hour notice of impending coitus.

Section F:         If one roommate obtains super powers, the others will be named sidekicks.

Section G:        If one or more roommates is bitten by a zombie, they will not be killed by the other roommates unless specifically requested by the bitten roommate.

Section H:        If a roommate is going to Walmart or to get fast food or take out, they will ask if the other roommates would like anything.

Section I:         All roommates will assist each other if one or more ever become a robot.

Section J:         Should a roommate be invited to a swimming party at a celebrity's house, they must invite the other roommates.

Section K:        The thermostat, lights, television, and kitchen appliances will be kept at an energy-efficient minimum in order to save money.

Section L:         In the event of a sick roommate, the other roommates must nurse and aid them to the best of their ability without risking their own health. 

Section M:       Roommates will help a stranded roommate in the event of a broken down car. However, the stranded roommate cannot take advantage of the situation and ask the others to become personal taxi drivers.

Section N:        The roommate to take the first shower of the day will take any necessary measures to ensure an adequate supply of hot water.

Section O:        No hootenannies, sing-alongs, raucous laughter, clinking of glasses, celebratory gunfire, or barbershop quartets after 11 PM on weeknights. 

Section P:        Roommates may assist each other in cleaning the house in the event of company coming to visit. There must be an appropriate, timely warning in order for this to apply.  This includes but is not limited to vacuuming, cleaning the bathrooms, washing the slip covers, etc.  Roommates may assist each other in cleaning the house in all other occasions out of pure politeness. 

Article 3: Responsibilities of the Tenants

Section A:        All tenants are responsible for paying rent on time.

Section B:        In the event a mess is made, the tenant responsible for the mess is responsible for cleaning it in a timely manner.  It is the tenant's responsibility to take out the garbage if it is full.

Section C:        All tenants are responsible for treating the other roommates with respect.  Please keep in mind, respect is earned. 

Section D:        All tenants are responsible for their own pets.

Section E:        All tenants are responsible for their own possessions in the moving in/moving out processes.

Section F:         In the event of a tenant damaging another roommate's property, it is the responsibility of the tenant to repair or compensate for the damages in a timely manner.

Section G:        It is the responsibility of the roommates to return, replace, or compensate any borrowed items in a timely fashion in the same condition. 

Section H:        It is the responsibility of the tenant to keep the house safe, secure, and energy-efficient. This includes but is not limited to keeping the doors locked at all times, unplugging all hair accessories when not being used, powering down all kitchen appliances when not being used, turning off lights, keeping the thermostat at a bearable temperature, blowing out candles when leaving the house, etc.

Section I:         In the event of an exceptionally bad day, it is the tenant's responsibility to cheer up the roommate.

Section J:         It is the male tenant's responsibility to handle man-ly things.  This includes but is not limited to: killing all bugs, carrying heavy things, and the use of any hardware tools, with the exception of a hammer and nails.

Article 4: Settling Disagreements

Section A:        Tenants must realize all roommates have disagreements.  What separates good from bad roommates is how to handle disagreements.

Section B:        If a roommate says or does something that a tenant disagrees with, and if it really affects or bothers the tenant, the tenant has the right to politely discuss it with the roommate.

Section C:        After a polite discussion has taken place, the roommates have the right to agree or to agree to disagree.  Whatever the case, the issue will no longer be discussed by anyone, and both parties will move on from the issue.

Section D:        In the event a disagreement continues, all tenants have the right to call an emergency house meeting in order to resolve the issue. (Article 1 Section C)

Section E:        All tenants will keep in mind Article 1 Section K: the right to a happy life.  All tenants will keep the Golden Rule in mind as well.

Section F:         Tenants should inform roommates of particular pet peeves or bothersome behavior to avoid situations.

Section H:        Roommates are friends-not food. (Do not chew them out, please).

My signature below means that I have read this roommate agreement and agree to ALL of its terms and conditions.  I promise to follow these to the best of my ability.  Cross my heart and pinky promise. 

Tenants Signatures:




Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Facing Fear, Trusting God.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7

“Come on, Lacey!  If these little kids can ride this roller coaster, you can!”  I was so embarrassed.  This was my first trip with the Youth Group, one that I had looked forward to for so long because we were going to Six Flags in Atlanta, Georgia.  Who wouldn’t be excited about that?  My 12-year-old self loved every part of Six Flags… except the roller coasters. 

My older brother, Josh, was also in the youth group.  My role in the group was quickly established as the girl who was fine and content with holding everybody’s bags and Birkenstocks.  Because she didn’t want me to miss out on something out of fear, my mom finally offered me a bribe: if I could ride a real roller coaster, then she would pay me $40.  So I tried to force myself to ride a roller coaster with only two loops.  I got on the ride with my big brother, my protector.  I pulled the safety bar down, and then did the, oh so mature thing: started crying and screaming for them to let me off.

My brother, his friends, and eventually everyone who was waiting in line started encouraging me and telling me I could do it.  It wouldn’t last long.  It would be over before I knew it.  If the little kids could do it, surely a twelve year old could ride it.  I mustered up all my courage, held my breath, stopped the tears, and I told the guys running the ride that I could do it.  As soon as the ride started, the tears started back.  I screamed and cried the entire ride, begging for it to stop.  A thunderous applause awaited my return.  I was so embarrassed when the smaller kids got off the ride laughing and asking to ride it again, but I did it.  I rode a roller coaster. 

Besides roller coasters, I have several fears, and I hate the way fear controls my life sometimes.  I heard someone say the bigger our fear is, the smaller our God is.  We are ultimately telling God that we don’t trust Him to keep us safe.  The same God that parted the Red Sea, gave sight to the blind, and gave life to the dead can keep us safe on a roller coaster. 

This year's theme of VBS is Colossal Coaster World: Facing Fear, Trusting God.  We are learning about Paul and his scary life situations, and how he trusted God through all of the storms.  I signed up before I knew the theme, and I almost backed out because I’m scared of everything, including roller coasters.  I have no business telling kids to trust God when you’re scared when that is my personal struggle.  My little brother said, “Well, maybe you and the 3-year-olds can get over your fear of the dark together!”  Thanks, little bro. 

As a Christian, we are told that we will face trials bigger than roller coasters in this world, but we are supposed to consider trials as a joyful blessing (James 1:2-4).  God knows what trials we will face, and He will be there with us through each one.  He doesn’t want us to be scared through the trials.  He wants us to trust in Him and face the trials with courage and faith.  I’m not going to try to tell you the secret for facing your fears because I’m learning it myself, but I’m hoping this week I can learn how to face my fears and trust in God to keep me safe through this roller coaster of a life.

VBS 2013: Colossal Coaster World Decorations

VBS 2013: Colossal Coaster World Decorations
This year, we have the Pre-K class, and we wanted to make a fun environment for everybody.  With an amusement park theme, it was very easy to get creative.

Paul's Travels Sign
Candy Stand and Popcorn Stand:
We painted a refrigerator box then  taped white streamers.
Then we decorated paper plates and wrapped them in plastic wrap then hot glued them to the box.

Balloon and Plastic Table Cloth Ceiling:
This was totally trial and error.  We played with it until we got it right.

  • First, we covered the top of the wall with blue paper and the bottom half with green paper.  
  • Then, we tackled the ceiling.  We bought plastic table cloths and balloons from the Dollar Tree, and we played with it until we got it exactly how we wanted it.  We tried to make it look like the inside of a big top tent.  
  • We drew roller coaster tracks with a permanent marker then attached roller coaster cars made out of construction paper and the little people made with poster paper and decorated with scrapbook paper.  We taped streamers to the bottom of the tracks to add some color and to look like the supports of a roller coaster.  Safety first!
  • The children on the bottom were made from poster paper and decorated with scrapbook paper.  We added tickets, drinks, balloons, cotton candy, lollipops  and corn dogs to their hands. 
  • The Paul's Travels sign was made with foam with a sticky back.  We simply used painter's tape to make the "pole."  
  • We also made various games to attach to the walls for extra fun and decoration.  
  • The roller coaster cars are the seats they sit in.  They are cardboard boxes spray painted, and we glued black paper plates for the wheels.  
  • Our door was decorated as a ticket booth.  We spray painted yellow paper then taped red streamers to the door.  The sign in construction paper with tickets spelling out the letters.  Then we hung ticket garland around the door.  We bought the tickets from Dollar Tree.  Gotta love that store!
  • We cleared out all the chairs and tables to give us more room to work with.  
  • The candy stand and popcorn stand are used to cover up furniture and supplies.  
  • For story time, we use place mats from the Dollar Tree as their "spots" to sit on.

Tips for Teachers:
  • Eat before you come.  There isn't any time to eat when have to keep 3 and 4 year old's occupied.  
  • Before the children arrive, get with your other teachers and helpers.  Read the story together and pray together.  This is very crucial.  If you can pray together, you can conquer the world together.  Lastly, don't forget the final preparation: eat a handful of M&M's.  
  • Realize that most children at this age will not understand the gospel, but it still just as important for them to learn because you are planting a seed in their hearts.  
  • Two words: Smart Skittles.  If they are being good, listening carefully, and sitting still, they get a Smart Skittle!
  • Get creative and have fun!  

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Blue Fins

Jesus said, “Come ahead.”  Jumping out of the boat, Peter walked on the water to Jesus. But when he looked down at the waves churning beneath his feet, he lost his nerve and started to sink. He cried, “Master, save me!”  Matthew 14:29-30 The Message

Blue fins.  All I had to do was keep my eyes on the blue fins, and everything would be alright.  I was safe.

I was snorkeling with my family in Florida for our annual beach vacation.  In my hot pink fins with a matching mask and a yellow snorkel, I was eager to get in the water.  The jetties where we were swimming was the home of beautiful, brightly colored fish and other sea creatures, and we even saw some wormy looking animals that I can only describe as miniature Christmas lights. 

When God created the ocean, He created infinite possibilities.  I believe that we will never be able to fully know and understand everything about the ocean and its unfathomable wonder and beauty just like we will never be able to fully know and understand everything about God and his incomprehensible power and love.  As humans, all we can do is to try, study, pray, seek counsel… and Google.  Although, I still have no idea what those Christmas light worms are so Google does not know everything either.  But this is part of the reason why I love the ocean: the endless possibilities, the wonder, the beauty are all fascinating to me.

I was on a mission to find some unique seashells, but I knew I had to be extra careful to stay close to the family.  Although I have always had a passion for the beach, I will admit that I am not exactly the strongest swimmer so I stayed close to my dad.  (Yes, I’m a total Daddy’s girl!)  Plus, I always like to stay near someone that I think would beat up a shark for me.  My dad’s fins were bright, royal blue, and I could see them pretty clearly in the water.  I would look for fish and seashells, but I kept his blue fins in sight at all times.  Those blue fins meant safety.  A few times I would fall behind the group, and if I couldn't see the blue fins, I would immediately shoot to the surface and look for my family.

Jesus was Peter’s blue fins.  Peter felt bold, brave, and unconquerable when he stepped out of the boat to meet Jesus.  But when Peter took his eyes off of Jesus, he got scared and began to sink.  When we take our focus off of Jesus, we get scared and begin to worry.  We worry about work, school, family, finances, friends, and everything else in this fast-paced life.  Jesus tells us that He takes care of the birds and the flowers, and we are more valuable to Him so we should not worry because He will always provide for us (Matthew 6:25-34).  

When life is getting hectic and blurry, when the waves are churning beneath your feet, when you are wondering how you will even make it through the day, focus on Jesus.  Call out to Jesus for help like Peter, “Master, save me!”  He is the only one that can give you peace, patience, and strength.  Mr. Worry only gives you stress, confusion, and acne.  Yes, it’s easier said than done, but a good starting point is literally looking at Jesus.  Take a minute out of your day and open God’s word.  Look for a verse about God’s love and remember that God will never leave you or forsake you, and He will always take care of you (Deuteronomy 31:6). 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Useless Trivia vs Useful Scripture

I can name all thirteen dwarves from the Hobbit.  I can tell you the twelve big Greek gods, their titles, their origins, their Roman names, and which side they took during the Trojan War.  I can name all the books in the Bible in less than thirty seconds.  I know how all six of Henry VIII’s wives died.  I know that on July 4, John Adam’s last words were, “Thomas Jefferson still survives,” not knowing that Jefferson had died five hours earlier.  I know that Virginia voted twice before seceding the Union.  I know that Popeye was in the Coast Guard and not the Navy.  I know the word “yahoo” was first used in Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels.  Woodrow Wilson, who is buried in the National Cathedral, is the only U.S. President buried in Washington, D.C.  I could shock you with the number of movie quotes I have rattling around in my head, and I can still name several ingredients of the witches’ potion in Macbeth

What is the point of all of this?  Your guess is as good as mine.  Useless trivia is useless, but it is somehow easy to remember.  Why is it easier to memorize useless trivia than Bible verses?  Why do we memorize sports statistics or C.S. Lewis quotes instead of scripture?  Why should we memorize scripture anyways?  Because God commands us, and if we love Him, we are supposed to keep His commandments.  Also, King David writes in Psalm 119 that memorizing scripture brings freedom and delight.

I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts.
I will speak of your statutes before kings and will not be put to shame,
for I delight in your commands because I love them.
Psalm 119:45-47

During the summer of 2008, I lived in Destin, Florida with my older brother and made friends with a group of students called Kaleo’s, who lived in Destin for the summer working and sharing the gospel.  One Sunday after church, I tagged along with a few of them to share to the gospel on the beach.  One of the guys with us started talking to two women who started asking questions that I didn’t know the answer to, but luckily he had the answers they needed and had memorized the verses to back up what he was saying.  That is why it is important to read and meditate on the scripture.  We need to be able to open our Bible’s and show people what God is trying to tell the world.  Scripture was written by God-inspired men, meaning God told them exactly what to write.  Therefore, there is nothing in the Bible there by chance or coincidence.  Every verse you read, God put it there for a purpose.

Have you ever gotten a letter from someone you loved and who loved you?  Did you read it once then put it on the shelf then forget all about it?  Did you read it over and over trying to soak in every word of it?  Did you think about it the next day and read it again?  Did you randomly think of a part that made you feel extra special and made you smile as if that was the first time you had ever read it?  The Bible is God’s love letter to us.  It is full of stories and words of compassion and forgiveness.  God didn’t send you chocolate.  He sent His Son.  He didn’t just send you flowers; He gave you a beautiful world with beautiful people to enjoy every day.  Every promise, every commandment, every story, every word is written in God’s love.  We return God’s love by obeying His Word.  We obey His Word by knowing His Word.  We know His Word by reading it and striving to learn it.  Kari Jobe sings, “The more I seek you, the more I find you. The more I find you, the more I love you.”  God is there if we just look for Him.  Jeremiah 29:13 says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”  Listen to George Strait’s song, “I Saw God Today.”  If we’ll slow down from our busy lives for a minute, open our eyes, and look around, we can see God’s fingerprints on everything.  When you do your daily Bible reading, don’t just skim over the scripture.  Read it.  Drink it in.  Think about it.  How does it apply to your life?  How can you use it in your life?  Memorize it.  Share it.

Useless trivia is great fun.  I’m hoping one day I can get on a game show and apply my useless trivia, but until then, it remains useless.  Last I checked, useless trivia never got anybody into Heaven.  So before you turn on Sports Center or the Today Show or your computer, spend a little time with Jesus.  Ask Him to show you something in His Word today.  You might be surprised.

All the Single Ladies

Oh look!  Another wedding invitation.  I love weddings:  the dresses, the colors, the flowers, the cake, and every special detail where the couple makes their day extra special.  Whether it’s a necklace from the bride’s grandmother attached to the bouquet, a new beautiful, white Cinderella dress, the veil borrowed from the bride’s mother, a blue Duke University garter, or a houndstooth groom’s cake, every wedding day is unique.  And I love every minute of it!

My favorite part of weddings, besides the cake, is the vows.  The combination of love and nerves is always so precious, and I have to admit that I have to fight back tears every time.  At every wedding, I can’t help but think, “I want that.  One day, it’ll be me on the altar saying those vows.”  One day, I’ll meet a guy that will buy me chocolate and Taco Bell, that will watch Duck Dynasty and the Avengers with me, that can follow my randomness, that will pray for me and with me.  Until then, I tell everyone the only men I need in my life are my Daddy, my brothers, and my Jesus. 

I will be honest.  I’m not always that confident and that strong in thinking that I only need those four men in my life.  I have my moments of total freak out when I ask God what in the world is He up to and why in the world am I still single.  When I was a freshman at Troy University, my plan consisted of majoring in Elementary Education, and after I graduated, I could move wherever my future husband wanted to move, and I could teach wherever he was.  After I graduated in December of 2011 with a History degree and no boyfriend, my plans obviously had been changed.  I am not a good decision-maker, and I wanted someone there to make the decisions for me.  But God wanted me to learn to depend on Him for decisions and not a man.

In an episode of Gilmore Girls, a stressed-out Rory says, “I’m standing on this cliff looking into this huge foggy abyss.  My whole life, there has never been an abyss.  It’s been abyss-less.  I’ve always known exactly what was in front of me, and I’ve always known exactly where I’m going.  Now, I don’t know what’s out there, and I hate not knowing what is out there.”  Thank you, Rory Gilmore for putting my thoughts and fears into actual words.  After graduation, I had no idea what God had planned for my future, and I was begging for Him to tell me what His plans were.  He put it on my heart to take a huge leap of faith, get out of my comfort zone, and move to Williamsburg, Virginia, where I lived and worked for about sixth months.  I am forever grateful for my time in Virginia, but I am thrilled to be back in the South with my sweet tea and chicken fingers.  I am also happy that I don’t have to get on an airplane to come to my friends’ weddings.  I never want to miss anyone’s special day.  However, I am now working three part time jobs, with none of them what I had in mind and none of them teaching history, and I am back to asking God where He wants me to live, what He wants me to do, who He wants me to be with, and what purpose does He have in mind with my life.  I have to keep in mind, His timing, not mine, is perfect.  And His plans, not mine, are perfect.  And He has a Prince Charming out there for me, but He’s still preparing us for each other.  Bless his heart, Prince Charming needs all the prep time he can get before me and my random thought processes.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.  “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”  Isaiah 55:8-9

Friday, April 19, 2013

Snowflakes in a Delightful World

“Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight,
At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more,
When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death,
And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again.”


C.S. Lewis wrote this in my lifelong favorite book, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I cannot tell you how many times I have read this book, and until recently, I thought I knew everything about it and understood all of the symbols. The Chronicles of Narnia serve as an amazing connection of Christianity and fantasy that help children of all ages better understand and know God by linking together imagination and faith.

Mr. Curtis Petrey mentioned in his sermon on April 14, 2013 the world is currently dominated by Satan, but it will one day be reclaimed by Jesus Christ. My random brain immediately associated this with the evil White Witch's "always winter" control on Narnia until she is defeated by Aslan the lion, who represents Jesus Christ. Then it “clicked.” Satan's hold over the world is just as obvious as the snow covered, desolated land of Narnia, but we turn a blind eye to it. War, idolatry (putting anything above God), hatred, jealousy, murder, ungodly marriages, greed, sexual immorality, violence, lying, even laziness and gossiping: all of these are snowflakes of sin covering the world today. Because of sin, the world is frozen and full of darkness, but there is hope in Christ.


Turkish Delight

I can remember thinking as a child about Edmund and his betrayal of his family and the good creatures of Narnia. How can someone do that to his family without even realizing what he was doing? Why did he not recognize that the White Witch was evil and manipulative? Why was he so fascinated by the Turkish Delight? What the heck is Turkish Delight anyways? Now, I realize how easy it is to sin without fully understanding that it is a sin. Sometimes, we sin with good intentions, but good intentions do not make it less of a sin. Sometimes, like in Edmund’s case, we sin because we crave something so intensely that we are blinded to how many people we hurt and how many sins we commit along the way. Every little white lie, every evil thought, every snowflake of sin, is a betrayal of God because He is holy and perfect.  It is impossible for holiness and sinfulness to exist together. The White Witch does not appear to be evil to Edmund because she gives him all of his heart’s desires by offering him food and power. Satan does not materialize out of nowhere with horns and a pitchfork telling us to sin. Just as he tempted Eve with some fruit, he tempts us using curiosity, ambition, and lust. Our downfall is disguised by our desires. Satan manipulates us as the White Witch did Edmund. The tricky thing with manipulation is that the manipulated does not see that the manipulator is manipulating until the manipulation is over. By this point, the consequences are looking at you directly in the eye, and the shame and guilt are taking over your mind and your stomach. Satan gives us what we want, but then we later realize that the desire is not wished for at all and that the result is not worth it.


The White Witch uses Turkish Delight and power because that is what Edmund craved more than anything. Edmund did not like being a younger brother. He wanted to be the one in charge of everyone else for a change. Satan will use the things we yearn for the most to become an idol, which is a Biblical “no-no” according to the second of the Ten Commandments. When I think of idols, I think of gold statues worshipped by other religions, but that is not always the case. When I was in college at a Phi Mu Bible study, my Big explained to me that idols are anything we put above God. The worst part is that idols are not always necessarily “bad things.” Family, friends, work, school, hobbies, Facebook, and football are all wonderful, fun things we get to enjoy in life, but when these things become more important to us than our relationship with God, they become sinful. The snowflake of idolatry is one that will snowball rapidly. We should be careful day-to-day to make sure that our priorities are lined up correctly. All we have to do to check them is to ask JOY. JOY says that our priorities should be Jesus, Others, then Yourself. Only when our priorities are JOYful will our lives be joy-filled. We cannot let our own Turkish Delight become our number one priority. And just for the record, Turkish Delight is almost like Jell-o covered in powdered sugar. Personally, I think Edmund should have asked for something chocolate, but that’s just my opinion.


What’s in a Name?

“At the name of Aslan each one of the children felt something jump in his inside.” The name of Aslan, like the name of Jesus, either strengthens courage or intensifies fear. For the good creatures of Narnia, the name of Aslan gives them hope that the White Witch’s wintry reign will one day come to an end. However, for the White Witch herself, along with her followers, the name of Aslan brings anxiety and terror. As Christians, we should proclaim the name of Jesus every day and every chance. Let His name and His Word do the talking. Just His name can make an enormous difference in the world. Share His name! Share His story! Share His love!


Christmas and Commandments

We do have something special that the Narnians did not have under the Witch’s reign. Unlike the discouraged, dismal Narnia, where it is always winter and never Christmas, we can celebrate the birth, the life, and the resurrection of our Lord every day that we live. We get caught up in the Christmas presents and the Easter Eggs, but we forget the reasons behind the merriment. Learn from the Narnians, and do not take advantage of the freedom we have to celebrate. Learn from Ebenezer Scrooge, and keep Christmas in your heart throughout the year. Learn from an American Founding Father, and acknowledge more than the holidays. Benjamin Franklin said, “How many observe Christ's birthday! How few, his precepts! O! 'tis easier to keep holidays than commandments.” Jesus was born because His purpose was to die a terrible death on a cross for the sins that we committed. This is the reason we can celebrate Christmas and Easter. He sacrificed Himself out of love, and we are supposed to return His love. John 14:15 says, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” If we love God, we have to turn from sin. Ask Him to replace your sin with obedience, your pride with humbleness, and your fear with joy. Remember the celebrations and the commandments. This is true love.


Lovingly, Willingly, Obediently.

Speaking of true love, there is one thing I have always been puzzled by in the sacrifice of both Jesus and Aslan: the willingness to die for the underserving. Like the disciples praying that Jesus would come down from the cross and display His glory and power, Lucy and Susan beg Aslan to fight the monsters and the Witch from tormenting Him. Both Jesus and Aslan had the ability to stop their death. Why didn’t they? One word: love. Without the loving, willing sacrifice, we would not have eternal life with our Father. Now, let me make one point very clear. Jesus is the Son of God. Aslan is the King of Narnia. They had the option of saying, “No, I don’t want to do this.” I can think of a few good reasons why they would not want to die a traitor’s death. The pain, the agony, the death, or simply just the innocence of them both are reasons enough. What about us? What about us deserves this love? Against all logic, they both willingly and lovingly gave up their lives in the place of those who deserved it. Jesus did not use His power for His use, but instead, He gave us the ultimate example of obedience. His Father asked Him to die on a cross, and even though it scared Him so much that He was sweating drops of blood, He let the Father’s will be done instead of refusing. Read the following verse about our Lord’s obedience.

“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!” Philippians 2:5-8


A perfect, sinless, sacrifice had to be made to pay the price for our sins. The White Witch announces to the Narnians that Edmund, because he is a traitor, belongs to her or the land of Narnia would be destroyed. “His life is forfeit to me. His blood is my property... unless I have blood as the Law says all Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water.” Likewise, we as sinners belong to Satan. We belong in Hell with the wailing, the knashing of teeth, and the eternal damnation the Bible speaks of. Try to picture it if we measured our sins in snowflakes. It would not be a Winter Wonderland that we dream about around Christmas time; it would be a cold, dead, barren wasteland. Thankfully, Edmund has a Lion, and we have a Lord to bring the warmth of hope to the world.


A Cracked Table, A Torn Veil, and a Risen Lord

After Aslan’s horrific death and terrific resurrection, He explains to Lucy and Susan, “When a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backward." A sinless Aslan willingly gives His life for a sinful Edmund just like a perfect Jesus gave His life for an imperfect people. The Stone Table cracking represents the ending of all the old, severe laws in the Old Testament just at the veil in the temple was torn after Jesus’ crucifixion. Read what Paul writes in Romans about Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins:

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in sinful man.” Romans 8:1-3

When Jesus died on the cross, He went to Hell and through Hell. (Just ask Dante.) Because of Jesus Christ and His willingness to die for us, we can spend eternity with our Father in Heaven. “There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” This is one of the most beautiful, most assuring promises in the entire Bible. We are safe in His arms! And when God makes a promise, we can bank on it. “Because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.” Jesus paid our price, and the law of sin and death do not have power over us any longer. Jesus outranks sin and sin’s laws. Now, God condemns the sin, not the sinner. He melts the cold, snow-filled, sinful heart and warmly embraces us into His family.

In conclusion, it might be a cold, sinful world we live in, but we have the hope in the promise that one day Jesus will return. Winter will melt away. Satan will be defeated. And we will have a spring so glorious that words will not be able to describe it. By creatively using the magical land of Narnia, C.S. Lewis brilliantly enlightens us on the power of temptation, the love of a Savior, and the hope in His return. All the snowflakes will melt, and our delight will be fully in our Savior and not in worldly things, including chocolate.