You can eat all the kale,
Buy all the things,
Lift all the weights,
Take all the trips,
Trash all that doesn’t spark joy,
Wash your face and hustle like mad,
But if you don’t rest your hope
And your soul in Jesus,
You will never find
Peace and Purpose.
Have you ever read a Bible verse that made you feel like getting struck by lightning, getting a blindfold lifted from your eyes, and getting punched in the stomach all at the same time? Did that verse have the word “hypocrite”? This verse did. On Saturday morning during my morning Bible reading, this verse jumped out at me:
Matthew 23:25-26 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also.”
The Message version reads, “You’re hopeless, you religion scholars and Pharisees! Frauds! You burnish the surface of your cups and bowls so they sparkle in the sun, while the insides are maggoty with your greed and gluttony. Stupid Pharisee! Scour the insides, and then the gleaming surface will mean something.”
Ouch. Did you feel that?
I have been very open about my Happiness Project that I am working on this year focusing on one area of my life one month at a time. I am starting the year off by focusing on Energy in January by eating healthier, exercising, and decluttering my house. I’ve been going to the gym three days a week, cutting out fast food, binge-watching Marie Kondo, idolizing Joanna Gaines, reading Emily Ley, and cutting out articles from Real Simple Magazine. None of these things are bad, of course, but the main part I am leaving out is decluttering and energizing my heart, my mind, and my soul. I want to focus on what’s inside me as much as I am focusing on what’s on the outside.
I strongly identify with Shauna Niequist in Present Over Perfect, “I tried all the outside ways first – I imagined the changes I need to make were about time management, or perhaps having the cleaners come more often. I quickly found out it was not about managing time or housekeeping. It was not about to-do lists or scheduling or minutes and hours. This journey has been about love, about worth, about God, about what it means to know Him and be loved by Him in a way that grounds and reorders everything.”
Shauna’s friend gave her some life-changing advice,
“Stop. Right Now. Remake your life from the inside out.”
Ouch. Did you feel that? How many times have I been convinced that everything will be better once AB&C are finished? I will be less stressed when this event is over. I will have more time for fun when I make more money. Does any of this sound familiar?
Right now, I am sitting on my couch with my two puppies trying to figure out HOW to do this. How do I declutter my life – not just my closets? Maybe it is as simple as cleaning out my closet. Simple. Not easy. When you clean out your closet, you completely empty it then take inventory. You keep the items that make you happy and make you feel pretty. You toss out the items that no longer fit, that are worn out, that you completely forgot about, that you should’ve thrown out years ago, and that no longer serve a purpose in your life. You happily hang up the clothes that are only your favorites then proudly march your giant garbage bags of clothes to donate to your front door.
Isn’t that the best feeling? There is nothing left except for joy and happiness. A weight has been lifted off your shoulders, and you vow to never let your closet get that chaotic again.
Now let’s see if we can’t declutter our hearts and minds in a similar way. Let’s take everything out and examine the inventory. What needs to stay? What needs to go? What serves a purpose? What should’ve been cut out of your life a long time ago? What brings you happiness and peace and laughter? What only brings anger, frustration, or guilt?
This week I’m going to explore this crazy method. I want to look at the Who, What, When, and Where of my life and start decluttering. I will be honest with you. I haven’t done this, and I have no idea if it will actually work, but I figured it’s worth a shot.
I want for you to share with me what is working for you, any ideas you have, or even if you think I’m on the right track. We can try this together, and hopefully, this will make our lives just a little bit happier.