Monday, March 18, 2019

How May I Serve You?

“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.” John 13:14

This was the verse for my daily Bible reading this morning. I’ve heard this story a million times so I didn’t think much of it until I got to the application part in my journal. How does this verse apply to me? Then it hit me.

A long time ago, I heard someone describe a person as “a waste of space” and “better off dead.” Ouch. That hurt me. I wasn’t overly fond of the person he was talking about either, but I wouldn’t say that he was better off dead. I would like to think I wouldn’t say that about anyone no matter how much I didn’t like them.

Even though this happened forever ago, it still hurts my heart to think about those words, “a waste of space.” Even though this person has made a long list of terrible decisions, I don’t think he is better off dead.

It got me thinking about my own life. I hope my life is full of purpose, value, meaning, love, joy, and sunshine. I hope my life will bring happiness to others. I hope my life reflects the peace and hope that I’ve been given straight from Jesus. I hope God uses me for HIS good and HIS purpose. I hope I am never considered a waste of space by anyone.

Squirrel back to the verse this morning. Jesus gave the ultimate example of humility when He washed the feet of the disciples. This is a direct order from Jesus Himself – not a suggestion – to be humble and to not think of ourselves as better than anyone else and to serve others. Just because someone has made a lot of bad decisions, that doesn’t mean that I am above him. Grace that was given to me is the same grace that is extended to anyone who will accept it.

I am going to really start making an effort on small ways to serve others, especially through prayer, love, and grace. If I can help make one person’s day just a little bit easier on them, it will be worth it.

So now I ask… How May I Serve You?

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